The first one is my quilt I began about 5 years ago, and over Christmas, I finally finished the top!
Next is a cross-stitched towel for decoration in the someday kid's bathroom.
Lastly, this is a car-seat canopy that was super-easy to make. It only took me about 2 hours after pre-washing the fabric to finish. If anyone is interested in how I did it, feel free to ask.
And here is what the other side looks like. (Sorry the picture is upside down, but you can still make it out just fine.)
Yay Amber, you have a blog! How are you guys doing, and how are you feeling these days? What is your carseat canopy like? Is it like a blanket that's the right size for a carseat, or is it different? Well either way, it looks very cute (along with everything else)!